Retreat Feedback Form

Thank you for attending the inaugural Space for Grace Soul Care Retreat in 2023! I’d love to hear about your experiences and feedback to help me make this retreat and further offerings the best experience possible for future participants.

How much did you value the daily meditation sessions?(Required)
How much did you value the daily soul care sessions?(Required)
How much did you value the daily creativity sessions?(Required)
How satisfied were you with your accomodation?(Required)
How satisfied were you with the meals and food on offer?(Required)
How likely are you to return to this retreat for yourself?(Required)
How likely are you to recommend this retreat to others?(Required)

Thank you for your valued feedback. Before you go…… just one more thing: My “Space for Grace” offerings include a variety of 1 day workshops, support groups, multi night retreats and online programs. Would you please kindly tick any of the following future offerings from Bethesda Counselling & Family Therapy that you may be interested in:


Thank you so much for your valued time in completing this feedback form.

Are you happy to have your feedback used in promotional material for future workshops? (Your identity would be anonymous)